Product designer at Zigit - Rebar project

Rebar is the leading chain, in the field of wellness, that offers fruit-based drinks, yogurt, and raw natural materials.

User flows /Personas/Research /Wireframes/ Use cases/architecture digrams/Fraturs prioritization/UI Concepts/UI design/Design system


My team and I re-designed Rebar’s products - an ordering system and application (web, Self-order stand, tablet and mobile). I handled the end-to-end design of products, conducting research, UX process and UI design. I worked closely with the client, the developers, the product manager and QA.

Company - Zigit
Client - Rebar

User Research

Most of the users order their drinks on their way, while shopping, after training, during a family meeting or with friends.  


Want the ordering process to be flexible and easy to edit product’s ingredients.


Order the same drink.


Like to diversify between different products.

Self-order stand

Ordering system (22’ and 32’), useful when there is a line of people, if users prefer to order privately or to sign in to their account to see last orders, or use gifts and “goodies”.

Screen saver

Sign in to your account

Home page

Menu / Search

Search for ingredients or flavors

Product page

Mobile App

If users order one of their last orders and pay with a saved payment method, the ordering process will take only up to 10 seconds.

Home page

Get recommendations before your first order, according to the preferences that you chose during the onboarding. See your last orders, goodies and gifts.

Menu / Search

Search for products according to your favorite ingredients and flavors such as banana, sweet or sour.

1  Open the Menu

2  Search

3  See results

Home page

Find the nearest open store, next to your area.

Personalisation and customization

They are part of almost every flow: onboarding, product customization, favorites & personal preferences, choosing the time for preparing the order, payment and searching for products. Last orders and gifts are presented on the home page.

Product page

Nutritional values

Product customization

Favorites & Personal preferences


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